Assault and Battery
A charge of simple assault and battery can arise from a fight between two people and result in prosecution. The assault and battery laws in Virginia are complicated and the ramifications of being charged with assault and battery can be very serious. Assault and battery charges encompass the violence that most people think of as fighting or attacking another. But, assault and battery can also include much less serious actions. Many people who have ended up facing assault and battery charges were surprised that what they did could be charged as assault and battery.
Assault and battery are actually two separate charges:
Assault is an overt act intended to do bodily harm to another together with the present ability to cause such harm; an overt act intended to place a person in fear or apprehension of bodily harm that creates in him/her a reasonable fear or apprehension. Making someone think that you are going to hit him or her or otherwise make contact with him or her in an unwanted fashion is assault.
Battery is the willful touching of another, without legal excuse or justification, done in an angry, rude, insulting or vengeful manner. Depending on the circumstances under which you have been charged with assault and battery you will likely be facing misdemeanor charges, but felony assault charges are a possibility. There are many options available to individuals who are charged with an assault or battery offense. If you have been charged with assault and battery, it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible.
Depending on the circumstances under which you have been charged with assault and battery you will likely be facing misdemeanor charges, but felony assault charges are a possibility. There are many options available to individuals who are charged with an assault or battery offense. If you have been charged with assault and battery, it is important that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.