If you have been severely injured to the extent of permanent damage to your person, you need to reach out to a catastrophic injury attorney as soon as possible.
As humans, we tend to get hurt. Whether our fault, or that of another, we often suffer injuries of various magnitudes in our day-to-day lives. Common injuries like a sprained ankle, bumping into someone in public or even a papercut are issues that any person can usually handle on their own without additional medical attention being needed. However, certain injuries can result in more severe outcomes that require serious medical attention and result in long-term suffering.
If you have been injured, but not sure whether your injury amounts to the level that would require a catastrophic injury attorney, feel free to call our office to schedule a free initial consultation.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
What are Catastrophic Injuries
What separates catastrophic injury cases from your standard personal injury cases is the magnitude of the damage to person. In general, if the injury is significant enough to dismember or permanently prevent a person from being able to perform gainful work, then the injury could potentially be classified as a catastrophic injury.
These can come about from many different types of situations, not just ones under large pretexts. For instance, a minor car wreck may be seen as only a small personal injury case, due to the nature of the incident. But, if your injuries amount to substantially more than just a small bruise or cut on your body, then you may need a catastrophic injury attorney for your case even though the original cause of injury may seem small.
How to Get Started with a Case
Although going straight to getting a lawyer may seem like the best option, there are a few things that you can do to help jumpstart your case. These are quite simple, and can be done with minimal effort. Just a few steps to take are:
- Gather medical reports and records.
- Keep a log or diary of your injury progress.
- Keep conversations with the opposing parties to a minimum.
These simple steps can help reduce the amount of backlash you may face when attempting to go head to head with large corporations or employers.

Source: Maxpixel.net
The Right Time to Get a Lawyer
So, when is it the right time to get a catastrophic injury attorney? Many times, it can be difficult to figure out when the best time to place the call is. Depending on the case, it can seem pretty clear cut even when it isn’t, or it may seem extremely hopeless when there is an easy path ahead.
Because of these twists and turns, the proper time to get a lawyer would be when you need to challenge the opposing party to gain what is rightfully yours. Even if this is at the start of the bout with the medical bills, or later on down the road when you start to notice permanent damage, getting a lawyer is never a bad idea.
But, with these types of cases that involve large scale damages, it can be difficult and dangerous if you don’t find the right lawyer. If they do not know the steps to setting up a proper defense for you, or don’t know how to handle the proper paperwork and information, you can easily lose your chance to get amends. As such, always trust Gore & Kuperman for your needs in the law field.
What Makes Gore & Kuperman the Best Choice?
Gore & Kuperman stand above the rest when it comes to Catastrophic injuries of any scale. This is because they have a strong history of defending for the client, and not for a paycheck. With a deep understanding of law, as well as a rich history of experience, they work tirelessly to ensure that you are as prepared as you can be. This can include such things as:
- Receiving and filing documents such as medical reports
- Getting Accident reports
- Safeguarding you from unnecessary deals
They also understand if you are a bit busy, and will work to fit your schedule if necessary. If you live in the Fairfax, Virginia area, you can simply drop by during normal business hours at their office. If you live a bit further out, though, or are busy during those times, you can simply send them an email through their website, and they will be able to contact you promptly to help you get started.
Not only that, they will work on your budget. Whereas most firms may turn you away if you can’t pay their baseline amounts, Gore & Kuperman will work with you to set up a payment plan, one that won’t break your wallet or life.
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